Product Configurator


Ambiente Direct, a leading furniture retail brand, faced the challenge of enhancing the presentation of its products in a way that allowed customers to explore the full range of materials, textures, and colours. Their idea was to enable customers to visualize various product variants in 3D, enhancing the overall shopping experience.


In response to this challenge, our team used advanced 3D modelling techniques to create realistic and detailed 3D models of the furniture products. The technology behind our 3D modelling ensures that every material, texture and colour is accurately represented, giving customers a true-to-life representation of the products. This configurator not only simplified the selection process, but also made it interesting and fun for customers.

To take the customer experience to the next level, we went beyond just 3D models and developed a personalised 3D configurator.

The 3D configurator allows customers to interactively explore and select their ideal furniture option.

In addition, we used augmented reality (AR) technology to give potential buyers the opportunity to visualise the furniture in their own living spaces. This way, customers no longer had to go to a showroom, but could view the products in their own homes before making a purchase decision.


The implementation of the 3D configurator revolutionised the way customers interact with Ambiente Direct products. The ability to customise and visualise every detail in real time was a game changer in the buying process. Customers can now experiment with different options, colours and configurations and watch their creations come to life virtually.

One of the key features is the realistic visualisation through AR technology. Customers can use their smartphone or tablet to project the selected piece of furniture into their living space, allowing them to evaluate how it matches and complements their existing décor. This not only boosts buyer confidence, but also significantly reduces the likelihood of returns due to mismatched expectations.

Overall, the 3D configurator and AR integration have enhanced the customer experience for Ambiente Direct, making the furniture buying process not only efficient but also highly immersive. The forward-thinking approach has positioned Ambiente Direct as an industry leader and set new standards for online furniture retail.